Policies of 414 Royal Way LLC
These policies are in place to help us deliver an exceptional service to ALL of our clients every visit.
Please read through them carefully.
Phone/Office hours - We are available by phone Monday – Friday 9a-5p; Saturday– 9a-3p; If a call is missed, please leave a message and your call will be returned same business day. Feel free to leave the details of your reason for calling for a more efficient follow-up. Emails, Texts, and Messaging are also accepted. You may press "0" at any time during your call to speak to a professional member.
Cleaning Hours: We are available for cleaning Monday – Friday beginning 8:00 am, with our last clean of the day initiated no later than 2:00 pm; On Saturdays- 12 pm. Appointment required for all services; Same day appointments may be available. Special requests are accepted (i.e. events, parties, holiday preparation, seasonal changes, etc.)
On-site assessment: In an effort to provide the best pricing and service, we charge a $25 on site assessment fee so a professional member can evaluate your home or office space. In lieu of this fee, you may forward photos/videos of the space to us. If accepted, you will receive a FREE on-site assessment; All estimates are FREE of charge! *Price subject to change based on distance
Holidays: We observe New Year’s Day, Good Friday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Juneteenth, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas Day. When December 24th and 31st fall on a weekday (M-F), we will close at 12:00pm.
Cancellations: Service reliability is extremely important. We will turn down business to not disrupt your regularly scheduled cleaning. Kindly extend the same courtesy. We request that you give us a minimum of 24 hours advance notice. Our business number, 844-414-4222, is available to you at all times. Failure to provide adequate notice will result in a $40 late cancellation fee. We understand that circumstances arise that require a cancellation. If excessive, we reserve the right to cancel all future bookings without extraneous notice.
Access to your Home or Office: We will make every effort to arrive at your House/Business in a timely manner. Circumstances beyond our control such as traffic, weather, or prior bookings running longer than expected, may affect our arrival time. Your flexibility and understanding in these situations is greatly appreciated. We will always do our best to keep you informed of any delays we may be experiencing. To ensure our team's timely accessibility to your home or office, we recommend our recurring clients issue us a key. For all others, we offer a multitude of choices, so there is no pressure to select this option. Your key would be coded with a number (it is never associated with your street address or other personal identifiable information) and is kept in a locked secure key box upon possession.
Lock Outs: If we arrive at your Home or Office and you forgot to leave the door open, leave a key or the team needs to leave without cleaning for any reason, you will be charged 50% of your regular cleaning cost. Kindly give us a call at least 24-hours in advance to avoid this penalty. Most of 414's recurring customers do entrust us with a key, a responsibility we take very seriously.
Making payments: Cost of 414 ROYAL WAY LLC's service(s) is due no later than 4 hours prior to your SCHEDULED booking. A "CONFIRMED" status will be granted upon meeting this expectation. Customers are urged to satisfy the balance of invoices immediately upon receipt. GOLD Royalty members Recurring clients (at least 3 consecutive bookings) can take advantage of more flexible options such as, but not limited to- cash upon delivery. As of 4/1/2023, a Residential and/or Commercial Service Fee will be applied to all bookings; any payment that is not received timely will incur a $15 late fee, charged every 10 days until balance is satisfied. *414 Royal Way LLC reserves the right to discontinue services at will.
Sharps: Should any member of your household or Business require the use of syringes, please ensure they are disposed of safely. Any secure container like a coffee can, can be used to store used syringes and/or needles prior to final disposal. Any unexpected stab by an unsecured needle can pose serious health concerns to our staff.
Sanitary/Biohazard/Waste removal: Please dispose of bodily fluid products appropriately. Please wrap up in paper/tissues and toss in a lined canister for easy disposal. We wear gloves to protect ourselves, but we will not be picking up any that may be lying on the floor. If your neighborhood has specific waste removal instructions, please be sure to let us know along with your recycling preferences.
Home/Business Temperature: As a courtesy, we ask that you set your thermostat at a comfortable, room temperature during booking hours. We’re happy to readjust the temperature per your written instructions when we leave your home or business. Thank you.
Inclement Weather: In the event of a Hurricane and other poor weather conditions, we may need to skip your booking in order to keep our team safe. We will offer you a reschedule date to the earliest available appointment. Thank you for your understanding.
Privacy: To protect your privacy, 414 ROYAL WAY LLC adheres to all mandatory confidentiality policies and never shares your information with any third-party vendor without your written consent. Prior to your scheduled booking, please secure all confidential or potentially illegal documents or substances. We reserve the right to photograph "Before/After" photographs & videos for content purposes ONLY. At no time will confidential information be taken, stored, or posted to media forums.
Damage or Breakage: We make every effort to take the greatest care while in your home, but we understand accidents happen. We request that all valuable, irreplaceable, collectible, or heirloom items (whether monetarily or sentimentally valued) be stored and/or not cleaned by our team. Damaged or broken items must be immediately reported to the 414 Royal Way, LLC office- within same day of service. Note: 414 Royal Way LLC is not responsible for damage due to faulty and/or improper installation of any item. All surfaces (e.g., marble, granite, etc.) are assumed sealed and ready to be cleaned without causing harm. 414 is insured by USLI.
Your satisfaction is our #1 Priority; therefore, we stand behind all of our services. Any necessary adjustments must be reported to our office within 24 hours of booking for resolution by one of our Executive Members. Kindly leave us a GOOGLE review to share your feedback.
Safety: All members of 414 Royal Way are fully aware of the potential risks of COVID-19 and take all safety precautions when inside your home. We ask that if any exposure exists, you immediately contact us at 844-414-4222 to reschedule your booking.